Since the resumption of projects by Wauquiez Verdoso industrial group, the Wauquiez Forever association had decided to take the ” stop Wauquiez ” who had already had great success in 2006 and 2008 .
This is the 13 , 14 and 15 May and 23 boats all generations gathered for the third edition , not the island of Yeu as before, but the port Crouesty . Some , from Cherbourg , made a long journey to reach this stop .
Throughout the day the boat arrived at the dock helped by those already there , delighted to get to know each other . A big thank you to Alain Coroller for his help !
The time to recharge , and accompanied by a small plate of seafood reception was held on the terrace of the Yacht Club of Crouesty . Friendliness and atmosphere was good appointment. Everyone enjoying to get to know and tell the story of his ” Wauquiez .”
After an initial presentation of the event by myself , as well as the details of the course , it was around the management team Wauquiez yard run for the first stop in the association. Hugues Theobald has also reminded us that despite the difficulties , the site was well back on the first scene of sailing and the “soul” of Wauquiez had fortunately not been reached.
It was around 9:30 am ( sic) the next morning that the 23 boats left the pool to hit the South cardinal Méaban . The start was given at 10:45 . ( I promise to revise the procedures for starting the next edition ! )
Upwind to Trinidad , a mini regatta takes place between the 39 and the Opium Centurion 40s followed closely by the Centurion 37s . Challenge oblige!
The route then all boats returned to Port Haliguen and Houat island before putting the cap on Crouesty .
40s much faster Opium 39 and Centurion had time to take a few extra edges while Centurion 32 “slightly” slower brought up the rear !
Anyway whatever, everyone arrived on time at the pool , a drink is served cold .
After a nice hot shower enjoyed by all in view of the weather conditions a little chilly for the season, the Oasis Bretonne us , as usual , greeted with exceptional hospitality .
We were 83 mixed each other to tell our day and view photos on the big screen around the four royal couscous meal !
After given to each skipper a small set of 6 glasses engraved name of the vessel , the evening ended on boats for some, and for others … Malverne
Short or long night, all enjoyed the delivery of increasing “at home” at dawn before returning to sea
A big thank you to all those who helped us prepare for this event : Alain Coroller , Sarah Drink Massif Marine sites Wauquiez and the captaincy Crouesty .